Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Olly's birthday party!

Olly's 10th birthday called for a parrrrtaaaay!!  So, after Ivy's obedience class, everyone got to celebrate.  Party favors were red bandannas and all the four-legged cowboys and cowgirls got to wear their stetsons, too.  :)

 Olly and Ivy check out the birthday box ... and found NO treats at all!  What kind of party is this?

 Here's the birthday boy!!  Olly is such a good sport ... and he loves his hat ... right?  ;)

Ivy's hat is on straight, but ... how long do you think it's going to stay that way?

 Mocha is the baby of the group and she's not into hats at this age.  :)

Assembling everyone for the group photo:  Mocha, Holly, Fred, Ivy, Olly and Pebbles.  Getting them together was the easy part ... posing is a different story!

Ivy is really, really interested in Pebbles - and the assistance she's getting from her mom.  It's that "hat thing" you know!

Speaking of hats ... there goes Ivy's!  Meanwhile ... Fred and Olly are showing off - just like boys always do.  :)

 At last!  A group party photo!  Holly ... Fred ... Ivy ... Olly ... Pebbles! Mocha is supervising from the sidelines.

Mocha's first birthday party ... she prefers to watch and learn.  :)

Holly says,  "Thanks, Mom, for letting me take that hat off!"

Yes ... a treat for the people! 

Champagne is appropriate for any party - even at 9 in the morning!  Try it sometime!  :)

Olly and Ivy wanted to make sure their mom had to wear a stupid hat, too!

The family portrait.  :)

Olly even got a birthday present from Fred!

Wow!  It's a furry, fuzzy Kong that squeaks!!!!

What a fun party to help Olly celebrate the big 1-0 ... he is happy he could share it with his friends.  :)