Just think ... less than a year ago, I didn't know if my puppy was going to live. He was being treated for parvo and pneumonia. But Sully made it and he is one year old today! Here are some photos of his party. He celebrated with friends in his obedience class.
Fred's mom brought flowers and sparkling water - and set up a lovely table for Sully's party. The hats are ready and so are the party favors - moo tuggers!
Mocha is really diggin' this hat thing ... she's getting to be a pro!
Sully is NOT a pro, yet. He's not quite sure he likes wearing hats.
Okay ... everybody looks good except ...
Sully, you're losing your hat!!
What a group shot! Thay and Fred are wearing their hats at a rakish tilt.
Sully, Bullitt and Mocha are patiently waiting for the photographer to finish.
Sully, Bullitt and Mocha are patiently waiting for the photographer to finish.
Yay! A retrieve! Puppy Thay likes his moo tugger and
Shana is excited about the retrieve!
Mocha brought Sully a present ...
Wow! It's a new furry friend ... he now brings it to bed with him.
A brand new pair of sunglasses ... they lasted all of 45 seconds.
Just long enough to get a photo.
Just long enough to get a photo.
Sully - Winmere Bare Knuckle TKI
1 year old
Sep. 9, 2017